Chef Connor

Chef Connor
Whipping up something good!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Where Do I Begin?

I have a son that loves to cook. I know, that doesn't sound like a big deal and not really something worth starting a blog about. Lots of people like to cook including plenty of kids. Let me put this another way. I have a 9-year-old that is CRAZY about cooking and does it well. His idea of Saturday morning cartoons is watching Food Network shows. In fact, he has already decided he wants to be a chef. I believe he can, and will, especially with a little encouragement and some fostering of an already-present passion.
He has has some opportunities to grow his love affair for the kitchen. One of the more unique and memorable for him was an evening he spent one-on-one at the Minneapolis Hilton cooking with the Executive Chef. It was an amazing evening for him and a catalyst for an even greater desire to encourage his love of all things food. He frequently can be found in the kitchen exploring new tastes, flavors and combinations of ingredients.
This all sounds wonderful, and it is. The other side of this is that many nights when I just want to get a meal on the table and eat after a long day, being teacher, safety monitor and personal shopper isn't always high on my list of "want to's".
Nonetheless, I believe it is more than just a passing fancy for him and as his mother I need to do all I can to assist him in reaching for his dreams.
My husband and I just rented the popular movie Julie & Julia. This has inspired me to begin an similar process. (I have a sneaking suspicion there are MANY with the same inspiration.) Mine is a little different in that I want to embark on this journey with my Future Chef. Not only do I think it would be a wonderful experience for him, but I feel safe in assuming there will be numerous benefits for myself. I think I have as much to learn as he does. Maybe not so much in the cooking, but in the experience itself. Things about myself, my son, and how to help a child grow to become what they dream to be.
So this is the beginning. It starts with this blog. Next we decide which cookbook to use. Then the real learning begins.....

Thank you for being a traveler with us!


  1. Yeah! Hi there fellow blogger. I look forward to reading your adventures.


  2. Thanks for your direction, support and encouragement. I think this is going to be fun!

  3. Come on!Be a follower!I know you want to...

  4. My heart and soul are with you both in this fun and yummy adventure. I will bring more cookbooks when I come visit. Of course I hope that the Chef will be able to prepare me a tasty morsel or two. Rain

  5. I am commenting about a meal that has not been written about yet.
    For the last 2 days I have been reaping the benefits of my sons cooking. Hes really is a natural in the kitchen. I think through this whole process Myself and Jenny will be the big winners.
    We get to eat everything. Yea.
    Todays omelet was the best I have ever had and it looked great. Flipping an omelet an be tricky. Connor had no troubles.
    I am truly a proud papa.

  6. Ok so today has been a good day to cook. This evening we made a wonderful shrimp Alfredo with snow peas and carrots on angle hair pasta and to top it off we made a big pan of cookie bars so we could try out Jenny's new Valentine cookie cutters which make a Big I (heart) U right in the middle.
    Of course we could not wait to dig in.

  7. You have not only a great son, but it sounds like a fantastic relationship with him. Great to read and see this ongoing adventure.

  8. Jenny -

    You and Connor should try the Daisy Martinez book for cooking too. Stuff with a latin feel and written very well with step-by-step and not dumbed down but written for him to follow easily.
