Chef Connor

Chef Connor
Whipping up something good!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Banana Pancakes

After a long day at work I was ready to come home and go to bed.  I knew that wouldn't happen.  It's Day One of our cooking excursion and there would be no delays.  At least I was allowed to change in to comfortable clothes before getting started.  
Connor was as excited as I expected he would be. He grabbed his apron, and ingredients and utensils started flying.  He needed very little help from me.  I gave a few suggestions, but he seemed very comfortable in the kitchen.  What was most pleasing was in between the measuring and mixing. Connor shared his day with me.  This seems to be something of a struggle in our house.  "How was you day?" or "What did you do today?" is usually followed with one-word answers... "Fine."  and "I dunno. Nothing."  
Today was different. I heard about field trips and stories that the teacher is reading.  Gossip from the lunch table and homework hassles.  None of it was prompted by questions.  It was really awesome.  There is something very relaxing about mashing and stirring. The pace that he cooked with didn't seem frenzied or rushed.  As we enjoyed the smells and waited for the perfect brown before he would flip, there was nothing to do but talk and it seemed more natural than ever before.  
Connor's calm in the kitchen just seemed to be another assurance of his comfort in that room of the house, and it impresses me. I could take some examples from him.
As for the meal itself.... the pancakes are so yummy!  Connor,of course, added chocolate chips to them. In this house, there is no such thing as pancakes without chips. He also make scrambled eggs and sausages.  Before allowing anyone to eat he stood at the head of the table, made a speech introducing the meal as "the first official blog meal" and had an air of pride that flowed from his eyes as much as his words. Kudos to the chef!

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